Bradley Reeves
Philadelphia, United States


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Golf – Best in-home golf nets

Picking the best golf net for your home is a dangerous business. Get it wrong and you’re only one shanked 7 iron away from a broken window or a black eye. Get it right and you’ll enjoy unlimited practice opportunity in your very own home or garden. Practice golf nets have been around for a…

Golf – 6 Hour Practice Plan

Practice Cycle: The practice cycle includes 6 hours of time in the practice areas. It encompasses all aspects of the game and the practice routines, drills, etc that will be used on the course. The 6 hours are broken into the following time allocations: Putting – 1 Hour Short Game – 2 Hours Routine –…

Golf – Drop 5 strokes in 10 weeks

For the majority of America’s golfers, winter represents a time of great loss. Courses begin to close as the weather turns cold, and even the most impervious players are obliged to take hiatus from the game. If you aren’t lucky enough to live in or travel to a warm and playable winter climate, the months…

Golf – Basic Swing Tips

1. Let’s start with balance, the basis of everything. If you move back on your heels or forward on your toes during the swing, your hands and body will try to compensate in some way to get the club head to the ball. That will change all kinds of things in your swing for the…

Golf – Best Drivers

On the surface, the idea that drivers are still getting better today seems absurd, in a word, laughable. Why, the U.S. Golf Association, has instituted more rules limiting distance, and driver performance specifically, in the last 20 years than they had in their previous century of existence. But this would be missing the point of…

Golf – Picking the right shoes

Wearing golf shoes during a round of play provides you with traction during your swing and while walking the course. Buying the right pair of golf shoes can occasionally be a challenge, as many brands and styles exist. Devote adequate time to shopping for a new pair of shoes to ensure you get the pair…

Golf – How to improve your game in one week

How Good Do You Want to Be? Put Some Purpose in Your Practice. It is not enough to just go hit some balls. You must have a goal and you must be working towards something. Add or Take out anything based on your time Remember – for every minute you’re not practicing, someone else is…

Golf – Range Practice Routine

Due to work and family commitments, most club golfers only have a limited amount of time to spend working on their golf game. If that’s the case for you, it’s crucial that you follow a practice routine that is as efficient as possible. I see a lot of golfers turn up to the range, hit…

Golf – Strength Training

Based on the “Tiger effect” on tour, one would assume that lifting is good for golfers. However, just like perfect practice, working out should be done with purpose and efficiency. Ripped biceps and abs are not necessarily going to make you a better golfer. In fact, they could lead to muscle imbalance and poor ball…

Golf – Annoying Golfers…

One of the best things about playing golf is that it allows you to meet some really great human beings. The bulk of golfers around the world are friendly enough to invite you to join their group to make up a four or include you if you are visiting their course and the way most…
